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Normalization of hemoglobin levels (erythropoietin). Prevention of osteoporosis (vitamin D 3). Addressing the issue of hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and kidney transplantation. Diabetic nephropathy is kidney damage that is characteristic of patients with diabetes mellitus. The basis of the disease is damage to the renal vessels and, as a result, the developing functional failure of the organs.

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  • Approximately half of patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus over 15 years develop clinical or laboratory evidence of kidney damage associated with a significant reduction in survival.
  • According to the data presented in the State Register of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus, the prevalence of diabetic nephropathy among people with non-insulin-dependent type is only 8% (in European countries, this figure is at the level of 40%).
  • Nevertheless, as a result of several extensive studies, it was revealed that in some subjects of colospa the incidence of diabetic nephropathy is up to 8 times higher than stated.
  • Diabetic nephropathy is a late complication of diabetes mellitus, but recently the importance of this pathology in developed countries has been increasing due to an increase in life expectancy.
  • Up to 50% of all patients receiving renal replacement therapy (consisting of hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, kidney transplantation) are patients with diabetic nephropathy.
  • The main cause of damage to buy colospa online vessels is a high level of glucose in the blood plasma. Due to the failure of the utilization mechanisms, excess amounts of glucose are deposited in the vascular wall, causing pathological changes.

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Approximately half of patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus with more than 15 years experience clinical or laboratory signs of kidney damage. Diabetic nephropathy can be realized in the form of several diseases. In accordance with morphological changes, the following stages of kidney damage (classes) are distinguished. There are several stages of progression of nephropathy, based on the combination of many characteristics. Stage A1, preclinical (structural changes that are not accompanied by specific symptoms), the average duration is from 2 to 5 years.

Diabetic nephropathy is a late complication of diabetes mellitus. In addition to those mentioned, the classification of diabetic nephropathy, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in 2000, is used. The clinical picture of diabetic nephropathy at the initial stage is nonspecific. As the disease progresses, the range of painful manifestations expands.

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In the later stages of the disease, chronic kidney disease develops (an early name is chronic renal failure), characterized by a significant change in the functioning of organs and disability of the patient. an increase in azotemia due to the failure of the excretory function, a shift in acid-base balance with acidification of the internal environment of the body, anemia, and electrolyte disturbances.

Diagnosis of mebeverine pills nephropathy is based on data from laboratory and instrumental studies if the patient has type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus.

  • The main groups of drugs (as far as preference is concerned, from drugs of choice to drugs of the last step).
  • In addition, mebeverine drugs (statins), antiplatelet agents, and diet therapy are recommended.
  • In case of ineffectiveness of conservative methods of treatment of diabetic nephropathy, the feasibility of colospa replacement therapy is assessed. If there is a prospect of kidney transplantation, hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis is considered as a temporary stage of preparation for the surgical replacement of a functionally incompetent organ.


Up to 50% of all patients receiving renal replacement therapy (consisting of hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, kidney transplantation) are patients with diabetic nephropathy.about origin. Possible complications and consequences.

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